( ( ( Dive through on a PC for the best conceptual experience. ) ) )

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”


“Ready to dive deep with me?”
“Ready to dive deep with me?”
“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”


“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”

“Ready to dive deep with me?”






“Let’s go.”




DEPTH: 10m

DEPTH: 10m

Saltwater – Original

“You gave me love in the ocean like no other…”    

There’s an angel waiting for me all these times
There’s a silver lining between all of these lies
Let the water take us to a higher diving
Slowly in and out we’ll dive deep to paradise

Won’t you make me feel?
Make me hard?
Make me tired from our dance?
Won’t you take me, break me
Let me fall into your arms?

When the tide’s gone down my love just lo and behold
Riding on your waves I’m bound to never hit low
Feel the earth’s vibration moving me to your side
Used to pay attention now I pay in sacrifice

Been above, rolled in dirt
Been in love, out of love
Taking time through your life
Caught me by surprise

“Used to pay attention now I pay in sacrifice.”




DEPTH: 13m

DEPTH: 13m

Saltwater – Instrumental


” A little boogie?”

“Be brave. Keep diving…”

“The deeper you dive, the more knowledge of the future you’ll hear…”


“And in the open water, there’ll be no judgement…”

“There’ll be no judgement…”

“Be no judgement…”

“No judgement.”


DEPTH: 18m

DEPTH: 18m

“…Hehe… Rendezvous at 40m…”

*Swish… Swoosh… Clink… Clank…*

*Distant giggles*

“Oooh I found this unique pink shell…”

“And these purple pearls..!”

“You can have them.”


( ( ( ( ( Muted celebratory vibration echoing from a distance ) ) ) ) )

DEPTH: 40m

DEPTH: 40m

“Welcome to the party.”

“The glasses in this Soirée seem to remain forever half full… I can’t drink it off!
What sorcery is that?!?”

Life was not designed to be linear.

But it always goes one full circle.

Just like each orbit we dance around
the Sun.

“Or that fairy wheel you went on as a child. “”

“It’s getting dark down here…”

DEPTH: 66m

DEPTH: 66m

“Make waves they say…”

“Even in the depth of darkness, every glimpse of life is beautiful.”

“Do you feel lonely down here?”

“Or are you afraid of this unknown?”

Don’t worry it’s just the voices in your head.


Fear and loneliness they don’t exist here. . .

Highs to lows
Ebbs and flows
True calling will tell you where to go

Pulls you in
Then set you free
Ocean’s embrace is all-encompassing

Black or white
Wrong or right
Red-to-red, that’s her running light

Up is down
The knees are down
“Here to serve, which king to crown?”

Balls to four
Bravado for all
Silent is the ocean for the whales’ stunning call

Act of grace
You set the pace
Carry you on, and on, your grace

Fore and aft
Or that little raft
Be wise, the ocean’s pretty rough

Did you see that?
The boat came about
Do you think they’re here for a friendly trout?

“Full steam ahead.”
The man says
“But captain… How’s your head?”

“Full steam ahead.”
The man says
Bone in her teeth, bow in a blade

“Full steam ahead.”
The man says
Truth be told, I admire only courage

Intuit in
Haul out
Defining justice on this ocean’s route

Bees wax in
An honourable out
All in the name of the siren’s crowd

Cape horn fever
Or a life-line weaver
Both a hero for a different griever

Dead in the water
Flinch to the sky
There’s a deafening pain I see in your eyes

Sail or die
Converge where the crow flies
That conscious sings a terrible lie

10 feet above
Your heart is dying

10 feet under
Your mind’s diverging

10 feet away
Still buoy swaying

10 feet within
Your soul’s awakening

For the glory
For the games
For the souls unturned
For the lands unclaimed

For the victory
For a claim
For that legacy

Yet no love untamed.

Between the devil and the deep blue sea
The music escapes from the waves within

Fair winds and following seas
Swinging lamps, I’ll follow thee

DEPTH: 101m

DEPTH: 101m

“Look how far you’ve come… You should be proud.”
☆ ☆ ☆

“You’ve gone beyond the known technical rules…”

DEPTH: 255m

DEPTH: 255m

And her sonic waves will continue to carry you where the light cannot.

DEPTH: 333m

DEPTH: 333m


“My breaths are getting shorter…”

“All’s good.
You’re still alive…”

“It’s the generosity of the ocean pulse at this depth…
They are bound to be higher…”

“And so is the bpm of your little human heart.”

“Don’t we all want to feel safe?”

Here’s a line rope for your free dive.

“…Or would you drop the control and trust the ocean to dive freely?”

…But aren’t we all grasping at the ends of our ropes?

“Look at the spirits of these ships!”

“Is this the fleet that never fled?!?”

In this deep dive, we will all catch our last breath at any moment…

But the spirits of the 1000 ships they never die.

Their stories will continue to nourish and inspire the spirits of our future,

providing them the strength towards their soul’s highest calling.

The pains of the world will keep coming in waves…

but your soul will always be yours to keep.

And your purpose will always be yours to live by.

Your will, be yours.

Just like…

A river for its purpose to meander,

The water for its purpose to flow,

A fish for its purpose to swim,

The bearer for her purpose to go.

The bank for its land to the gander,

The bed for its ground to the cobble,

The basin for its system to a funnel,

A delta beyond her vision all tunnel.

Her vision all tunnel,

Her vision no tender,

Her vision two-hander,

Her vision salamander.

A flower for its purpose to bloom,

A butterfly for its purpose to pollinate,

A seed for its purpose to reproduce,

A scent for its purpose to feel.

A dragonfly for its purpose to awaken,

Awakened for the dragon to fly,

Fly, for a purpose to gain perspectives.

Perspectives towards life’s true understanding.

True love and understanding.

An apple for its purpose to feed,

A bite for its purpose of choice,

A choice towards the purpose of strength,

That strength towards a meaningful life.

A swan for its purpose to sew wisdom.

A swan for its purpose to sow kingdom.

Two swans for their purpose to intuit grace.

Two swans for their purpose to expand love.

A swan to sing his song.

A swan to sing her song.

A flower for its purpose in a ballroom
A flower for its purpose on an old tomb

A flower for its purpose where sensory heightens
A flower for its purpose when memory lightens

A flower for its purpose to profess
A flower for its purpose to undress
A flower for its purpose put to rest

A flower for its purpose

A flower for its

A flower for

A flower


A star for its purpose to guide.

The guiding light towards one’s true north.

A true north for its purpose of a journey,

A journey embracing life’s melancholy.

A scale for its purpose to weigh,

Weighing a purpose to achieve balance,

Balance for a purpose towards harmony,

Harmonic weaving towards life’s greatest symphony.

( ( ( A frequency for its purpose to vibrate ) ) )

( ( ( A vibration for its purpose to move ) ) )

( ( ( A move connecting life’s synchronicities ) ) )

( ( ( A heart to the rhythm of the universe’s eccentricities ) ) )


  • At 10m (33 feet) under water, the pressure on our human lungs will be compressed to half their usual size.
  • A 10m descend takes approximately 10 seconds from the surface.
  • Despite it being the first entry leisure dive depth, the most dangerous zone is the first atmospheric increase at this depth of 10m. It’s the ability for our lungs to adapt to changes beyond our everyday limit that matters!
  • The highest platform used by Olympic divers in a stadium full of spectators is at a 10m fixed platform above the water surface level. Up is down and down is up!
  • Beginner scuba divers starting out to discover the beauty of the ocean can dive at a maximum depth of 12m (40 feet), guided by a diving instructor. Maybe 13m for that additional cheeky!
  • 18m (60 feet) is the recreational dive limit for standard Open Waters Divers (PADI and NAUI).
  • 40m (130 feet) is the maximum depth for recreational diving. Anything deeper goes into the realm of Technical Diving. So in a nutshell, anything lesser than 40m, you’ll have to pay for the adventure. But anything beyond 40m you’ll most likely get paid to do it!
  • At 40m, each breath takes 5 times as much gas from your tank and regulator to deliver.
  • Diving reel for cave divers gets 66m (200 feet) of line.
  • Things get very serious at 100m (330 feet) where it puts you at the limit of Technical Diving. Nothing recreational at this point and downright dangerous. So, it’s deep, serious and dangerous. That intensity… but the humans will still go for it!
  • Marianna Gillespie is the first female free-diver to reach 100m with bi-fins at the 2023 CMAS depth World Championship.
  • The current free dive no-limit world record is set by Herbert Nitsch, with a depth of 253.2m (831 feet) in 2012. He broke his own record of 214m(702 feet) recorded in 2007.
  • The current world record for the deepest dive is at 332.35m (1090 feet) set by Ahmed Gabr in 2014.
  • Modern day sailors wear coveralls primarily to protect themselves when working on ships with high risk of fire and trauma. A potential sinking ship is highly flammable, and coveralls are fireproof and tough.